Dienstag, 17. Mai 2011

Flying from small town to  big Apple

After a eight-hour flight  i arrived at the airport John F. Kennedy.  A driver picked me up at the airport and drove me to this adress in Brooklyn where i should live the next six weeks of my life  

Brooklyn my new sweet home for the next two months

 Brooklyn is one of the fifth Boroughs from New York City and and the second largest area. The rents for apartments along the Eastriver are as same high as for apartments in Manhatten.

Fortunately i really like my home. I live with 13 female models in one apartment with 4 rooms. The apartment is very comfortable in the livingroom you even have a great view on the east river.

You can see the great view from our living room

Luisa my roomate and friend and me are enjoying the nice sunny day.

A typical american smiling ;-)
Now you know how my face looks like when I hear  the question :"How are you?" When you are in America you will listen to this questions 100 times a day. .

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